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Teacher Evaluation: The Charge and the Challenges (Counterpoints #455) (Hardcover)
Teacher Evaluation: The Charge and the Challenges (Counterpoints #455) (Hardcover)
By Shirley R. Steinberg (Editor), Kate O'Hara (Editor)
Other Books in Series
This is book number 455 in the Counterpoints series.
- #36: Escaping Education: Living as Learning Within Grassroots Cultures (Counterpoints #36) (Paperback): $57.11
- #75: Philosophical Scaffolding for the Construction of Critical Democratic Education (Counterpoints #75) (Paperback): $69.80
- #89: The Postmodern Educator: Arts-Based Inquiries and Teacher Development (Counterpoints #89) (Paperback): $68.18
- #95: Educational Psychology: Disrupting the Dominant Discourse- Second Printing (Counterpoints #95) (Paperback): $61.83
- #97: The Intercultural Campus: Transcending Culture and Power in American Higher Education (Counterpoints #97) (Paperback): $52.31
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- #387: Discourses and Identities in Contexts of Educational Change: Contributions from the United States and Mexico (Counterpoints #387) (Paperback): $60.28
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- #400: Education and the Crisis of Public Values: Challenging the Assault on Teachers, Students, & Public Education (Counterpoints #400) (Hardcover): $212.69
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- #406: Teaching about Frederick Douglass: A Resource Guide for Teachers of Cultural Diversity (Counterpoints #406) (Hardcover): $233.28
- #407: Movement and Dance in Young Children's Lives: Crossing the Divide (Counterpoints #407) (Paperback): $60.28
- #408: Teacher Leadership: The «New» Foundations of Teacher Education- A Reader (Counterpoints #408) (Hardcover): $249.21
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- #414: Constructing Critical Consciousness: Narratives That Unmask Hegemony and Ideas for Creating Greater Equity in Education (Counterpoints #414) (Hardcover): $261.90
- #415: Navigating Borders: Critical Race Theory Research and Counter History of Undocumented Americans (Counterpoints #415) (Hardcover): $233.28
- #423: The Life of a School: A Research Guide (Counterpoints #423) (Paperback): $57.11
- #430: A Decolonizing Encounter: Ward Churchill and Antonia Darder in Dialogue (Counterpoints #430) (Hardcover): $233.28
- #431: A Community of Disagreement: Feminism in the University (Counterpoints #431) (Hardcover): $233.28
- #434: Critical Studies of Southern Place: A Reader (Counterpoints #434) (Paperback): $92.00
- #450: Critical Pedagogy: The Future Is Today ] Second Edition (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education #450) (Hardcover): $63.38
- #457: The Time Is Now: Understanding and Responding to the Black and Latina/O Dropout Crisis in the U.S. (Counterpoints #457) (Hardcover): $245.97
- #473: The New Reality for Suburban Schools: How Suburban Schools Are Struggling with Low-Income Students and Students of Color in Their Schools (Counterpoints #473) (Paperback): $261.90
- #478: The Ecological Heart of Teaching: Radical Tales of Refuge and Renewal for Classrooms and Communities (Counterpoints #478) (Hardcover): $155.52
- #485: Basically Queer: An Intergenerational Introduction to Lgbtqa2s+ Lives (Counterpoints #485) (Hardcover): $147.56
- #500: Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy (Counterpoints #500) (Hardcover): $295.25
- #531: A History of Progressive Music and Youth Culture: Phishing in America (Counterpoints #531) (Paperback): $60.82
- #539: Postsecondary Leaders' Thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion: Now What? (Counterpoints #539) (Paperback): $55.28
The evaluation of teachers is at the forefront of national discussion, with the divide on the topic growing increasingly deeper. Teachers are under attack, in a war waged from the top down, complete with private entities, standardization, and a limited view of what it means to be good or effective . In both teacher preparation programs and in our public schools, teachers entering the profession and practicing in classrooms face evaluation measures that are biased, unreliable, and reliant upon quantitative outcomes. Teacher Evaluation: The Charge and the Challenges aims to talk back to the national rhetoric about teacher evaluation and accountability measures, with a call for all educators, policy makers, activists, scholars, and reformers to engage in critical dialogue and democratic practices.
Kate E. O'Hara, PhD, is an assistant professor in the School of Education at New York Institute of Technology and also an independent curriculum designer and instructional technology specialist. Her scholarship focuses on teacher education in relation to contexts of power, oppression, and social justice as well as the effective use of technology by both teachers and students to develop literacies and enact a critical pedagogy.