Search for Author: "Barbour, Karen"

Back to the Dance Itself: Phenomenologies of the Body in Performance By Sondra Horton Fraleigh, Karen Barbour (Contributions by), Christine Bellerose (Contributions by), Robert Bingham (Contributions by), Kara Bond (Contributions by), Hillel D. Braude (Contributions by), Sondra Fraleigh (Contributions by), Kimerer LaMothe (Contributions by), Joanna McNamara (Contributions by), Vida Midgelow (Contributions by), Ami Shulman (Contributions by), Amanda Williamson (Contributions by) Cover Image
By Sondra Horton Fraleigh, Karen Barbour (Contributions by), Christine Bellerose (Contributions by), Robert Bingham (Contributions by), Kara Bond (Contributions by), Hillel D. Braude (Contributions by), Sondra Fraleigh (Contributions by), Kimerer LaMothe (Contributions by), Joanna McNamara (Contributions by), Vida Midgelow (Contributions by), Ami Shulman (Contributions by), Amanda Williamson (Contributions by)
