I had such a BLAST with this book. This book is an oral history of a hugely-popular fictional rock band from the 70s--which, by the end of the book, you can hardly believe isn't a real band!! This book is so darn comfortable to sink into, and it’s so weirdly entertaining to watch this band have all of its meltdowns and successes, all its failures and triumphs. You get to know each of these characters and their quirks so well that by the time Daisy Jones and the Six are performing onstage, you feel like you're right there in the audience as a fan. You get to be part of all the moments that make a rock band go down in history… What a blast!!
Truly, the only problem I have with this book is that there isn't a Daisy Jones and the Six album to listen to along with it.....
(Adult Fiction) - reviewed by Iz