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Once Upon A Time Bookstore | 2207 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 | (818) 248-9668 | Maureen@onceupona.com
Store Hours
Monday - Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 4 pm
Masks are optional but preferred at events
This book is vastly important. It deals with one of the darkest parts of American history that is so often left untaught and overlooked: the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. This graphic novel tells George Takei’s story of going through that dark time as a child, with the strangeness of growing up in an interment camp, the weight his parents carried for the family, and the deep cultural and personal trauma left behind by the internment-- but also the inspiration this experience gave him to be an activist for change. This book is heavy but oh-so necessary and very moving, and it is truly a very engaging and enthralling read.
(Young Adult Graphic Novel, Ages 12+) - reviewed by Iz